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Monday, March 28, 2016

Good Afternoon

Good Afternoon dear followers. 
I have noticed my page views jumps up a few hundred whenever I make a post. It warms my heart and I am delighted to have so many people viewing and reading my blog. If you do not mind, it would mean a lot if you could subscribe or follow my blog. It will make it much easier for you to get notifications on finding me whenever a new post has been made :).

My daughter and I woke up in a wonderful mood and I thought, while she is occupied playing with the dog on the floor, I would make a quick post. Usually, she is so interested in what I am doing that I cannot type or I quickly lose train of thought because I need to put Team Umizoomi on or it's a million questions she needs answers for.

A quick reminder about my online Launch Party April 2nd. 
I am excited to introduce everyone to Scentsy and Scentsy products!
April is Autism Awareness month, and Scentsy has a very special and beautiful Autism warmer. 
$8.50 of all sales will be donated to Autism Speaks. Such  a great cause and a great way to donate money while getting to display this special warmer in your home. 
How cute is that warmer? I will definitely get one for our home!
Autism is such a misunderstood condition among those who do not know someone personally that has any form of Autism.
I have seen children break down in the middle of a store, or just anywhere in public, and as my heart breaks for the mother or father trying to console their sensory overload child, I glance around to people passing by as they shake their head in disgust or make comments that the child needs to be spanked. 
I watch as mothers panics, trying to handle the situation while they are aware of the negative comments and glances that are burning through her. I have seen mothers in tears, as they are not really upset that their child is screaming on the floor, but instead, the people walking by assuming that their child is a brat and having a fit.  
I get it, not all children crying and throwing a fit in public have Autism, instead, I'm sure it's mom or dad saying no you can't have this or that. Even if that is the case, no one still has the right to give hateful looks or negative comments. Mom and dad actually telling that child no is a good thing. Teaching them they can't have everything they want will cause any typical young child to have a fit. It happens.
Regardless, instead of the judgmental glares and remarks, show some sympathy. Many children that have Autism have sensory issues, and those children don't quite know how to handle it besides crying. Show mercy to that mother or father doing their best to console their child. Be open minded and realize that these parents will do anything to help their child. 
I have actually seen a little girl and her father laying on the floor in a clothing department one day. My instant thought was not, what in the heck are they doing? Are they crazy? No, I watched as that child held her stuffed bunny, her little chest rapidly moving up and down as he father rubbed her back telling her everything was okay. As I smiled and moved on, I heard him speaking to a woman about his Autistic child and laying down helps her. 
My heart smiled that he would lay in the middle of the store to console his daughter and disregarded any judgment he knew was coming. 

Let's come together and kick Autism in the butt!
I would love to make a collage of everyone's Autism warmer and have it on display here to show that we support those parents with Autistic children. We hear you. We see you. We stand with you and we will support this cause.

I hope everyone has a beautiful day! Stay safe and see you on the next post <3.


P.s Don't forget to click the follow button :) 

Sunday, March 27, 2016


I hope everyone is having a wonderful Easter. Over the past week and a half, I have seen a lot of tragedy. Last Friday, a local police officer, Officer Allen Jacobs, was shot and killed in the line of duty. The coward who shot him was a gang member, he turned the gun on himself afterwards. Officer Jacob leaves behind his parents, a wife, two small boys and a little girl due in July. 

Officer Jacobs death affected the community as whole, it was nice to see strangers come together to pay their respects, and to donate to his family. Such a sad, senseless crime. This Officer deserved so much more. He was laid to rest a few days ago, I happen to be in the car with my roommate as several police cars escorted his coffin to Furman. I cannot explain the feeling that overcame me when I saw the hearse go by. It was unreal that he was in the back, no more seeing this familiar figure patrolling, helping, sacrificing. My heart hurts for his family.


Also, we lost a local highs school student in a one-car crash. The car went off the road and hit a tree, praying for that student's family as well. This happened the same day Jacobs lost his life.
I follow quite a few parents on facebook that have created a page for their child who suffers from Batten's Disease. A couple of those children have recently passed away as well. If you do not know what Batten's disease is, I highly, highly, recommend you Googling and educating yourself on it. It is a disease that strikes the healthiest of children with no warning. I will actually provide a link at the bottom of the page to make it easier. 
Children are not tested at birth for this disease and this mutated gene is passed down from both parents. It's a scary disease that is always fatal, there is no cure, yet. 

I do not mean to be so gloomy on Easter, and even though I have my family here with me, I have my daughter here, we celebrated her being accepted into 4K today, there are many families aching and hurting today for their lost loves. 

Be grateful for what you have, who you still have in your life and do not take anyone for granted. There is no telling when they will be snatched from you. There is no "expiration date" letting us know how much time we have with our loved ones. 

Happy Easter to you all!


Saturday, March 19, 2016

Happy Saturday!

 Hope everyone is having a wonderful Saturday! It has been beautiful here today; absolutely loving the Spring weather we are having here in South Carolina. Rode bikes with my daughter for awhile then we stopped as she picked flowers and played with the dogs outside. 
Anywho, I wanted to give you an important reminder about the month of April. April is Autism Awareness month and Scentsy is offering a BEAUTIFUL warmer. $8.50 of every sale is donated to Autism Speaks. What better way to not only have a beautiful warmer, but donating to a great cause. I know quite a few mommies, and follow several mommies on Facebook with children on different levels of autism. These mothers are strong, patient and oh so brave! 

Let's show some support! My launch party takes place April 2nd and I can help you purchase your autism warmer and answer any questions you may have! I am thrilled and looking forward to seeing you at the launch party! The party will be held on my Facebook page and here. 
See you then!

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Launch Party

Hello, I hope you all are doing well this evening. I wanted to make a quick post before heading to bed. I have decided to move the Launch Party until April 2nd. Reason being is I will have my items by then, and also, April starts Autism Awareness month and I would love for the Launch Party to take place at this time. 
It doesn't look like my kit will be here before this Saturday, which I had a feeling this would happen. It's okay, it just works out better :). So, I will continue to post reminders and I hope you mark your calendars again! Also, you can follow this blog and bookmark to keep up-to-date with anything Scentsy! Soon, I am going to set up an email subscription. All new posts can be emailed to you, in case you forget to check back here :). O
Okay lovelies have a wonderful night, I have got to get some sleep. Microbiology calls in the morning (bleh!).

Monday, March 14, 2016

Good Evening!

Good evening everyone, I hope you have had a wonderful day. I had microbiology class this morning, I'm in school for RN, and then a few hours ago we had some crazy weather. Warm weather, rain and large, golf ball sized hail. That's never a good combination. Thankfully everything has settled down. 
My daughter goes for testing this Friday for 4k. I hoping she gets accepted into the school I chose. It is one of the best. They look at the kids who need the most attention first. Like children who don't know their numbers, letters, colors, shapes. I have had Annalisa on ABC Mouse since she was a year old, I am constantly doing activities to help her learn. She is a very bright child, but mommy needs a little break, lol. Being a single, full-time parent is a rough, yet rewarding deal! However, getting a break in the mornings would be pretty nice :). 

Now, enough about that. I have the Scentsy Spring Catalog! I am in love with quite a few warmers in there (eek!). 
If are interested in getting a copy of the Spring Catalog, email me @

I want to see you there!

Before I go, here is Scentsy Warmer of the Month!

Friday, March 11, 2016

Hello Ladies

Sorry, I have been away a few days. I have been horribly sick with the flu since Wednesday. Wednesday night my fever got to 104; I thought I was dying (not literally), lol. It sure felt like someone sucked every bit of energy from me. 
So, now that I am feeling tons better, I may have to push the party back a few days, I am not quite sure. There has been a little issue that I have been dealing with, and I am hoping I will still be able to hold the launch party on March 19th. As of now, that date still stands.
I got something in the mail today that I was not expecting, it kind of made my day after getting out of the house for the first time in three days. My business cards came in today. I am going to post two pictures below, one is the cutest bag I found to hold my Scentsy product! It is absolutely adorable :). 

I have to say that I am extremely happy with the way these cards turned out. I love them and highly recommend Vista Print. Their product is quality and you receive them pretty quickly. You can design your cards however you want or choose from a template. Vista Print also offers fair pricing and you can usually catch a promo code. 

Alright, it's getting pretty late here. I just got my daughter to bed and class work needs attending to. I hope you all have a wonderful night, and remember to stay wickless! 
Please drop a message below if you have any questions!
I will respond as soon as possible :).
Thank you!

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Good Morning Scentsy Friends!

Goodmorning ladies and gentlemen. I have an awesome post for you today!
First, I would like to talk to you about joining Scentsy. You've probably seen people on your Facebook selling products like candles with jewelry, Jamberry nails, wraps, and makeup. With these products, honestly, some people are successful and some people are not. Most people don't get into selling the product because of an outrageous signup fee. 
So, what makes Scentsy different and why should you join? Maybe you think of yourself as someone who couldn't sell ice water to a man in the desert; I thought the same way. I was not a sales person. I did have that certain spark that others have that could sell just about anything. 
Scentsy is an amazing company that helps you in every possible way to get your business started and to help you sell. You will meet fellow Scentsy sisters that encourage and help you become successful. Scentsy is a hard business to fail at. With Scentsy being wickless, it is much safer than a candle.
Fact: A house fire caused by a candle is called into the U.S fire department every 30 mins.
Fact:  1 warmer + 12 Scentsy bars=840 hours (70 hours per bar)=$80
12 Jar Candles ($25 per candle) =840 hours (70 hours per bar)=$300
Fact: Roughly 2/5 of candle fires are started in the bedroom.
Fact: Memories that involve scent, last the longest!

Now here is the best part! For the month of March ONLY!
For $49 + Tax you can get your business started! Get three FREE months of PWS (personal website) and every month after is only $10. You cannot beat this price. When March is over, the price to start Scentsy will go back up to $99. So, I would like to answer questions you have about joining! If you want to join, you can click on the "Me" icon at the top of my blog and it will take you directly to my PWS where you can click "Join".
Scentsy Fragrance is a direct selling company and international leader in fragrance, offering a variety of home and personal fragrance products. The simplicity and value of its flagship product, scented, wickless candles heated in decorative ceramic warmers, provides a better alternative to burning wicked candles. 
Scentsy Fragrance also offers the Scentsy Buddy; plush animals with a Fragrance Pak inside, and Layers by Scentsy, a personalized fragrance experience comprised of 17 body and laundry care products. 
It easy to use! Plug in the warmer, turn it on, place on or more bars onto the warmer, and enjoy the aroma for hours!

Now, since Spring is on its way, I want to share with you 6 scents for $25!

This is such an amazing deal that I hope you take advantage of!
Also, I would like to share with you the Scentsy Buddies!

I don't know about you, but I am in love with the Owl, Unicorn and Dragon!

Now, remember to mark your calendars for this month. I have a Launch Party taking place in a couple of weeks and I am excited to see new faces! You can follow my Facebook page by clicking the FB icon above. Thank you for joining me on this post and I hope it gives you better insight on Scentsy! 
Please leave a comment here on my FB page if you have questions!