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Saturday, November 14, 2015


Welcome to my new blog. My previous blog was hacked, I am no longer able to login, so starting over from scratch here :). I hope you continue to follow, and enjoy my posts. If you are new to my blog I will introduce myself. My name is Stephanie; I am a mother of a 3 (almost 4) year-old, an author, you can find my book, The Black Inheritance, on Amazon, a blogger, a coffee addict, horror fan, and a HUGE Walking Dead fan! Also I like to spread awareness of certain causes. My blog is random and scattered just like I am, and I am looking forward to having you all try to follow along :).

I would like to start off by saying, GLENN IS NOT DEAD! Well; although, I am hoping and praying that he is not. I have came up with different theories on how he is still alive and read a lot of theories on Twitter. The situation did not look good, but we are sticking with Glenn is not dead and that is that. 
School has kept me pretty busy, and I am planning my daughters upcoming birthday, since we last talked on my old blog, we have adopted a rescue, Zoey, on 9/25/15 and just got another new puppy today, her name is Beauty. Beauty was thrown on the side of the road, out of a truck, along with three other puppies. She was the last one left, and we went and picked her up. My house has now turned into a zoo, but I am loving it. I will provide pictures below.
I am a little sad that Halloween is over, but now comes Thanksgiving where I can eat a lot, and Christmas, my daughters favorite time of the year. Little priss wanted the tree up, so the tree is up. I know a lot of people freak out about having a tree up before Thanksgiving, but come on, it's just a tree. As my daughter grows older, she will look back and see an awesome childhood, not a strict, paranoid "omg the tree is up before Thanksgiving" childhood :). They are only small once, right? So enjoy it and throw that tree up!
Zoey <3
                                                                        Beauty <3

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