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Thursday, December 24, 2015

To you:

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! I hope you all have a safe and wonderful Holiday :). Enjoy your day and I hope you get what you asked for! I am pretty excited to see Annalisa's face in the morning when she starts to unwrap gifts. 
I know I have not blogged, honestly, it has been kind of crazy around here! I will be back to blogging very soon, so until we meet again, Merry Christmas!

Saturday, November 28, 2015


I do not usually do this, but I am beyond excited! I am offering a Maybelline review on two products. I have always had an issue finding my right shade in a foundation. I have tried many sites, and the colors they come up with, made my face look to wet, with pores showing, or made my face extremely dry with prominent pores. 
So I came across Maybelline's website where I took the same test to find out my matching colors. It was two colors that were never offered before. I was always told to go towards a honey or beige color. So I screenshotted my colors last night and went today to go pick them up. 
I came home and gave myself a test look, where I did one side of my face. I have to say, I am beyond impressed. It gave me the look I had been searching for. No pores, no shine, and a beautiful matte look. Below are the pictures of what I was told to use.

It was right on target! The best part was, I got these two products at Walmart and they are both under $6 each! I will never go to another product, and I am thrilled to have found something that works so well! I was skeptical at first; I have wasted money and tried these little tests online from other major makeup companies. Ladies, if you struggle to find that look, I suggest heading over to Maybelline's website and finding your right match. I will post a link below, to make navigating easier for you!

Tuesday, November 24, 2015


So, what a weekend we had. However, first I would like to talk about Sunday nights, The Walking Dead. Incredible! I absolutely loved it, and finally happy to see Glenn in this episode. I mean, it has been under that dumpster for a hot minute. If you took notice at the end of the previous episode when Daryl was trying to reach Rick, we here someone replies back, saying help. I'm guilty of thinking it was Rick at first, but if you think about it, why would Rick have said help? He was already back in Alexandria. It was our dear Glenn reaching out.
Now, Enid got on my last nerve this episode. I would have had already pushed her into a horde of walkers and just been like, "Maggie, see this is what had happened. I tried to save her, but she pulled a gun on me, ran off and then got caught by walkers." She was an ungrateful little thing, and if she was so determined to make it on her own, then so be it. The only bright idea she had been the balloons. Oh and not let's not mention the little f%$* that was following Carl with a gun.

Besides all of that, we cannot forget the ending! Oh, my god, the mid-season finale is going to be crazy I think! Abraham, in my opinion, is going to rescue Glenn then bust through those walkers with his grenades. Daryl, Sasha, Abraham, and Glenn will be the ones to save the day. Where they will go after this, or how they are going to clear the walkers to even attempt to rebuild the wall, I am not sure how that will happen, but I can tell you that this episode is going to be pretty intense! Sunday can not get here quick enough!

My next bit of news is I have started working on a new book. Something online that you can read as it goes along. The genre is young teen, fantasy, romance. It is called, Protectors of Eternity. If you would like to take a look at the first chapter, just click the link below.
Protectors of Eternity

You can keep checking back for updates on the book. I will not be posting again before Thanksgiving, so I hope you all have a safe and wonderful Thanksgiving!!!

Friday, November 20, 2015

Grab A Copy!

Grab your copy of, The Black Inheritance, for the Kindle for $.99! It is a very limited time offer, tomorrow it will be $1.99. Check out my previous post for a brief look into the book. Hope you enjoy your read!

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Death and New Beginnings

At the age of sixteen, death is not something a young girl should have to experience. Having a typical teenage life, doing well in school, and having the boy she loved was Annalisa's life. Until in a short period of time it was completely snatched away from her. Her father was killed over seas during the war and two weeks later the second most important man in her life was horrifically taken away from her. Depression took over Annalisa's mind, and now she was being dragged away from the only home she knew.

Settling in Black Mountain, North Carolina, Annalisa, her sister Sydney and their Mother Laura are forced to start a new life. Anna inherits a family heirloom after her fathers passing, a pendant, that she had to keep in a safe place and never wear. Placing it in her jewelry box, Anna decides to heed her mothers warning. The secluded, new home is quaint and quiet. Surrounded by woods, Anna can not help, but to find herself drawn to them. Laura demands that Anna does not enter those woods, but what teenage girl really listens to their mother? Anna decides to ignore her mother, and goes to explore; coming across an old, abandoned cabin. The cabin does not sit well with her and the feeling that it gives her will not be going away anytime soon. After ignoring her mothers words about the woods, she soon finds herself wearing the pendant that she had not to long ago put away.

Helena, an old friend of the family, soon opens up a whole new world to Anna and Sydney. The bloodline they possess contains a magic that one only sees in movies. Anna and Sydney are thrilled to learn of their new abilities. All the while, the pendant hidden beneath Anna's shirt grows more powerful with out her knowledge. A local boy around town catches Anna's attention, but he is not all what he seems to be. His piercing, emerald eyes strike Anna as she tries to place where she has seen those all to familiar eyes that have entranced her before. Maybe those eyes are the ones that have been watching Anna in her dreams.

Annalisa soon learns that her powers come with a much darker side. Awakening the dead, greed, manipulation into murder, and learning there is no way to get rid of the pendant. Anna now has to fight to keep herself and her family alive. 

You can find our book, The Black Inheritance, in the Amazon store or on Kindle.

Starting November 19 @ 12am PST, you can get your copy starting at $.99! Don't miss out on this great deal with an 86% savings! 
I will post a reminder when the book promo starts! Mark your calendars! 

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Cause Loose Ends Make My Ass Itch

**WARNING** The Walking Dead Spoilers.
You have been warned.

Tonight's episode started off intense. Sasha, Abraham and Daryl are being chased. Suddenly, Daryl lays his motorcycle down and injures himself. Fast forward a few minutes, we see Daryl pushing his motorcycle through the woods, while Sasha and Abraham are hiding in a used car lot. 
Things take a turn for the worse, when Daryl is hit in the head and tied up by an unknown trio. Forcing Daryl to move with them, they come to a fenced area that has been taken over by walkers. Daryl is able to make a break for it, only to return to the trio when he realized the bag he took contains a box of insulin. He ends up saving the three from some crazy ass motherfuckers that have come to "reclaim" what the trio rightfully say they took. 
In the mean time Abraham seems to be losing his shit somewhat, trying to convince Sasha they can make a new start at the used car lot. I don't know about you, but the walker stuck inside looks like he is itchin' to sale them that used 2004 Nissan. You know, threw all that growling I heard, "No money down." No? That was just me? I could of swore he was trying to make a deal. 
Fast forward a little, one of the members of the trio is bitten in the neck by those she use to babysit; fucked up I may say, but the one with the medical issues had to go. The two that are left decide to turn on Daryl once more, and take off with his bow and bike, even more fucked up because I just do not like anyone messing with my future father of my children. 
Somewhere, it wasn't shown, Sasha, Abraham and Daryl are riding in, if I am not mistaken, a moving truck. Daryl calls out for Rick over the walkie, and right before the show goes off, Rick calls back only saying "Help".

Now once again, we do not see or hear anything about Glenn; I do not know about you, but the "loose ends make my ass itch". I need to know if he is out there moaning, trying to sale cars, or if he is hiding under a dumpster, which he seems to like a lot, through out his times on the show. It was already stated that they can not have a love story and have Maggie be pregnant, so Glenn will eventually have to go. I just hope he actually gets to know he will be a father before his untimely demise. Maybe, Maggie can at least get another picture of her 'baby daddy'. 

Now turning the conversation to Negan for just a moment. I have a feeling that he is the leader of the Wolves. This is why I think Glenn may still be alive. The producers have stated that they are trying to move back to going along the story lines of the comics. I think this is where Glenn comes in. He is killed in such a gruesome way by Negan and Lucille, and I believe this is how they may kill off Glenn. There is no way, Glenn has went through all this shit during so many series, to die near a dumpster; although, that would be irony at its finest. 

If you have any theories I would love to read them, feel free to leave a comment and tell me what you think is going to happen.

Saturday, November 14, 2015


Welcome to my new blog. My previous blog was hacked, I am no longer able to login, so starting over from scratch here :). I hope you continue to follow, and enjoy my posts. If you are new to my blog I will introduce myself. My name is Stephanie; I am a mother of a 3 (almost 4) year-old, an author, you can find my book, The Black Inheritance, on Amazon, a blogger, a coffee addict, horror fan, and a HUGE Walking Dead fan! Also I like to spread awareness of certain causes. My blog is random and scattered just like I am, and I am looking forward to having you all try to follow along :).

I would like to start off by saying, GLENN IS NOT DEAD! Well; although, I am hoping and praying that he is not. I have came up with different theories on how he is still alive and read a lot of theories on Twitter. The situation did not look good, but we are sticking with Glenn is not dead and that is that. 
School has kept me pretty busy, and I am planning my daughters upcoming birthday, since we last talked on my old blog, we have adopted a rescue, Zoey, on 9/25/15 and just got another new puppy today, her name is Beauty. Beauty was thrown on the side of the road, out of a truck, along with three other puppies. She was the last one left, and we went and picked her up. My house has now turned into a zoo, but I am loving it. I will provide pictures below.
I am a little sad that Halloween is over, but now comes Thanksgiving where I can eat a lot, and Christmas, my daughters favorite time of the year. Little priss wanted the tree up, so the tree is up. I know a lot of people freak out about having a tree up before Thanksgiving, but come on, it's just a tree. As my daughter grows older, she will look back and see an awesome childhood, not a strict, paranoid "omg the tree is up before Thanksgiving" childhood :). They are only small once, right? So enjoy it and throw that tree up!
Zoey <3
                                                                        Beauty <3